No matter how self-governing we believe we are, we remain slaves to the tyrannies of whatever remains unconscious within us; whatever we have refused to stand up to and face. So, the greatest problem we may confront is that who we have let ourselves become may now be our chief obstacle. Once we realize this, Read More …


One in a wizard’s costume one, as a queen one, a tiger ……………….grandchildren race through the house, shrieking, tying us up in spells …………………………….with voices like high-pitched wind. Even the youngest, at two, is fierce, perhaps the fiercest. Grabbing my husband’s arm, she insists he hug her ………………at each pass she makes of the room. Read More …


The management and expression of and response to emotions impact all aspects of both intrapersonal and interpersonal relationship. The nurturing and modeling of effective emotional and behavioral responses can be shared through storytelling. As storytelling educators, we also become cheerleaders whose words and actions can make all the difference in the world: In an old Read More …


I was tired of thinking about how ……..this never became that, why the only …………….word I could not describe as anything more than a noun, as if dictionaries ……..contradicted me, always different …………….from the subject or the object, lonely purpose of a preposition. Surprise, ……..since so often the world concentrates on …………….adverbs since everyone wants Read More …


David comes to the door all smiles, water bottle and notebooks in hand. He has been writing all week and excited to share some of the experience with me: the a-ha! moments, the times the writing flowed, and when it didn’t. We have only an hour to meet, and these sessions, structured around David’s specified Read More …